Ancestral surnames:
Trinity College, Cambridge University
Decorations & Campaign Medals:
in Rugby School chapel (one of 682 names)
in School Field House at Rugby School (one of 71 names)
in the chapel of Trinity College, Cambridge (one of 606 names)
outside St John's Church, Ranmoor, Sheffield (one of 58 names)
inside St John's Church, Ranmoor, Sheffield (one of 59 names)
in St Peter’s Church, Bushey Heath, the Great West Window (commissioned by his uncle & aunt Henry & Ida Perrin and designed by Henry Holiday) was dedicated to him on 14th April 1918. The window was cleaned and re-dedicated along with the addition of a brass information plaque in 2002
Memorial Lectureship Fund at the University of Sheffield, endowed by his father in 1925 stipulating that it should “deal with some aspect of the Great War, either in its origins, its conduct or its social and international consequences, or such other subject of national or international interest as the Selection Committee may determine”. There have been 13 lectures:
1925 The Rt Hon H A L Fisher
on “The pacification of Europe”
1928 Professor Gilbert Murray
on “The future of the British Empire in relation to the League of Nations”
1931 The Rt Hon J C Smuts
on ”The disarmed peace”
1950 The Rt Hon Lord Boyd Orr
on “Political problems raised by modern science”
1953 Professor Arnold Toynbee
on “The concentration of power and the alternatives before us”
1957 The Rt Hon The Earl Alexander of Tunis
on “The Battle of Tunis”
1960 The Rt Hon Viscount Slim
on “The making of an Army”
1968 Mr A J P Taylor
on “The legacy of the First World War”
1980 The Rt Hon Roy Jenkins
on “Europe and trade in the 1980s”
1995 The Rt Hon the Lord Owen
on “US-European Relations over Yugoslavia 1915-1995”
2005 General Sir Mike Jackson
on “Changes in global security since the Cold War”
2012 Dr Edward Madigan
on “Our Glorious Dead: the Commonwealth War Graves Commission as Guardian of First World War Memory in Britain”
2015 Professor Sir Ian Kershaw
on "After the Armistice: Europe's Turbulent Peace, 1919-1923"
Pages in book ( 96-98
Appears in Charles Bartlett's letters: see I Shall Not Be Away Long book
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